Houses are valued based on a number of factors: Most importantly they are valued based on recent sales in close proximity . Next in line usually a sales representative will investigate and narrow down the sold prices of homes wiith similar attributes to the subject property (your home in this case). When I say 'similar attributes' we are generally not talking about the finishes or the specific flooring - this critieria is more general and doesn't give a good indication of overall value. We want to look at type of dwelling (semi or detached?), lot size (frontage being more signifcant than lot depth), parking (spaces? garage? laneway or mutual driveway?) and general overall condition of the comparable homes (new? reno'd? fixer upper?) that have sold and how the subject property measures up.
A Good Sales Representative will use these statistics and criteria especially SOLD prices in the neighborhood along with their own observations when determining a value. This is also a key point that should not be ignored when I say "observations" it means that the sales representative you select to list your home for sale should work and/or live in the area, They should have intimate knowledge of the properties and amenities in the neighborhood. So not only does the Sales Representative research and value your home based on information they have gathered, but they also have specific knowledge of the neighborhood and have actually walked through many of the houses so that they can apply comparable sales accurately to determine the market value of your home.
This is just a brief synopsis of course there are many other factors that apply. If you would like me to provide you with a free home evaluation or some general advice, I am always available and at your service.
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